Managing small teams

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Small team pages are managed in a few places:

  1. MDX files in the repo under /contents/teams/{team-name}
    • Quarterly goals, team-specific handbook content
  2. Team records in our CMS, with most fields editable directly on the small team page
    • Team photo, mission, crest
  3. Small team FAQs
    • Aggregated from team member profiles, and from our CMS

Changing the header image

To change your team's image, send it to #team-website-and-docs.

Changing a mission

Change a small team's mission by clicking edit mission on the small team page.

Team page content

Any MDX files in the repo will display below the team members and recently shipped sections.

Quarterly goals

We're moving toward having quarterly goals in their own MDX files, like 2024-Q1.mdx. This will allow us to show the current team goals, while displaying previous goals in an accordion.

Until then, when adding quarterly goals for a new quarter, add them to the index.mdx file and move the previous goals into a section below them (rather than deleting):

## Previous goals
<summary>Q3 2024 goals</summary>
### Goal 1
- Details
- More details
### Goal 2
- Details
- More details

See the Vibes team's small team page as an example of how it will look.

Team management

Creating a new small team

Initial setup in Strapi

This config needs to be done in our CMS. Ask the Website & Docs team for help here.

  1. Create Team record
  2. Add the placeholder crest with the new team's name on it

Setup in the repo

  1. Create a directory for the team in /contents/teams/{team-name} and duplicate index.mdx and objectives.mdx from another team as a starting point
  2. Add the team's name to src/navs/index.js under the companyMenu section in alphabetical order under the Engineering or Not engineering heading
  3. Rebuild the site (after the Strapi configuration) to see the new page

Add content to the small team's page

Visit the new small team page to:

  1. Add team members
  2. Assign the team lead (click the crown icon)
  3. Add a mission
  4. Ask the Website & Docs team to create a team in Strapi and upload a team photo

Other tasks

  1. Request a custom team crest from Lottie. Describe your team with a few adjectives, maybe physical tools that can be used in an illustration, and a sentence or two about what you do. She'll create two versions: a large one (for your small team's page) and a miniature version used in other places (like the careers page).
  2. Add the team's feature ownership to the feature list
  3. Create a new team on GitHub and remove the new members from their previous team
  4. Create the new feature/team-{team-name} labels on GitHub
  5. On Slack, create a new channel called #team-{team-name}. Add a new People > User group with the handle @team-{team-name}-folks. Add / Remove people from other groups as necessary.
  6. If there are existing forum topics or roadmap items, re-assign them to the new team.
    • Make sure there's a group in Zendesk for the new team, and add the zendeskGroupID to the team's record in Strapi so community questions are routed to the right team in Zendesk. (Ask the Website & Docs team for help here.)
  7. Update small team names in Ashby. These are used to categorize jobs by team on the careers page.

Managing a small team

To manage content on the small team page, see the Add content to the small team's page section above.

To change the photo, ask the Website & Docs team.

Removing a small team

Ask the Website & Docs team for help.

Note: When a small team is removed, all previous site builds will fail and will need to be rebuilt. Remind the team to merge master into any WIP branch.


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