Community profiles

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When a user signs up to ask a question, a community profile is created for them at /community/profiles/[id] where they can add a bio and links to social profiles.

Their profile page also aggregates any community disucssions they've participated in. (As a byproduct, this is an easy way to track down a user who primarily creates a community profile for self-promotion!)

Team members have access to special profile features, like:

  • a sidebar that shows which small team they're on, and their teammates

We also use data from these profiles in other areas of the site:

  • Company team page - automatically generated every time the website is built. (Team members need to be assigned to an internal small team in our website CMS for their profile to appear on the team page.)
  • Job listing pages - shows teammates you'd be working with, and the small team's verdict on whether pineapple belongs on pizza

Creating a profile for a new team member

To reduce the onboarding steps, Lottie or Cory can help create a profile for a new team member. To do this:

  1. On

    1. Create an account with their email
    2. First name, Last name, Email, Random password
  2. Via the PostHog website, visit the newly created profile in our website CMS

    1. Click the newly created profile link in the right sidebar (below My profile and above Edit profile)
    2. Click the "View in Strapi" link in the right sidebar
  3. Now, in their profile on our website CMS, update the following, then hit Save:

    1. companyRole *
    2. startDate *
    3. location * - use a string, like “London, UK”
    4. country - use TWO-CHARACTER country code, eg: GB
    5. avatar (can be a placeholder image until an illustration is drawn, but should be a png with a transparent background)

    *This information can be found in their onboarding checklist

  4. Update their user permissions

    1. Under user, click their email address to be taken to their user page
    2. Under role, change to Moderator and hit Save
  5. Let the team member know their profile is created, and that they should add a bio!

    1. To access their account, use the password reset option on the login form at
  6. Uploading profile illustration (when ready)

    1. Make sure it's uploaded on a square canvas at @2x PNG, and that the portrait fills as much of the canvas as possible. If an arm has to be clipped, set the image to be clipped on the right side so their arm on the left side of the image doesn't get cut off.


PostHog community members can earn achievements for various activities. Assigning, revoking, and manually creating new achievements is all handled in Strapi, our website CMS.

Creating a new achievement

  1. Login to our website CMS. (Request an account from Eli or Cory if you don't already have one.)
  2. Click "Content Manager" > "Achievements" > "Create New Entry"
  3. Fill in the achievement details
  4. Click "Save" > "Publish"

Manually assigning an achievement to a community member

  1. Click "Content Manager" > "Profiles"
  2. Find and click the desired profile
  3. Scroll to the "achievements" field > Click "Add an entry"
  4. Select the desired achievement from the "achievement" dropdown
  5. Click "Save"

Revoke an achievement from a community member

  1. Click "Content Manager" > "Profiles"
  2. Find and click the desired profile
  3. Scroll to the "achievements" field > Click the trash icon on the desired achievement
  4. Click "Save"


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The Vibes team is responsible for everything you see on We treat our website & docs as a product, which means we're constantly iterating on it and improving it. Because our website has a well-defined aesthetic, we often skip the hifi design process and jump straight from wireframes into code. Having a designer who can code means we can reach the desired level of polish without always having to produce hifi designs, thus leading to huge time savings. Usually Eli will build 90% of…

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